[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon COOLPIX5700
Focal Length: 8.9mm
White Balance: Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio: 1.00
2007/08/05 11:19:25
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
AF Mode: AF-C
Saturation comp: -1
RAW (12-bit)
Metering Mode: Partial
Tone Comp.: Contrast (-)
Sharpening: Normal
Image Size: 2560 x 1920
1/13.5 sec - F/2.8
Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
Noise Reduction: On
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[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon COOLPIX5700
Focal Length: 8.9mm
White Balance: Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio: 1.00
2007/08/05 11:19:25
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
AF Mode: AF-C
Saturation comp: -1
RAW (12-bit)
Metering Mode: Partial
Tone Comp.: Contrast (-)
Sharpening: Normal
Image Size: 2560 x 1920
1/13.5 sec - F/2.8
Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
Noise Reduction: On
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
Converter Lens: None
Sensitivity: ISO 100
[#End of Shooting Data Section]
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Filename: Aug07-2fr061-063.tif
Copyright Al Treder August 2007